Thursday, 17 March 2011


Hey all,
          i am soooooo bad at keeping things updated. Anywho things have been going great as always. She is on a more mixed meal plan now. Not just boring chicken all the time. We have a mix of chicken, lamb, and Ox tail RMB's throughout the week. Muscle meat wise we have a selection of chicken, beef mince, rabbit, tripe and heart. Although i have recently found out tongue can be classed as a muscle meat too, so i shall bear that in mind if i ever come across any.

         She is enjoying everything else much more now too, it almost like her taste buds are developing too :P she bounces around when i am preparing her meals now too. Only thing she is crafty with is her primrose oil tablets, she licks the damn things clean but wont eat them, so i have to force feed her them atm :(

        I think i might invest in a general supplement too, just to be safe in the knowing she is not missing any essential vitamins and minerals. I am also going to get hold of some garlic tablets, which will hopefully be a more natural way to repel fleas. I mean there is no point in giving her a more natural diet if i am going to pump her full of chemicals now is there?

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Nothing new to tell guys, oh i did manage to get her to eat her liver though. I smushed it all up in the chicken :P

I'm might give her some rabbit or tripe next week see how she goes with that

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Introducing Lamb

Well she tried out lamb neck today. I'm a bit unsure as it took her an incredibly long time to eat it :s it seemed quite tough too, which it shouldn't be as its not classed as a load bearing bone! I may look on you tube and see if i can find any other dogs eating it to compare too. It may be that its just chicken is incredibly soft and so easy to eat that this seems the other extreme???

She'll be back on chicken tomorrow. so I shall see what it's like next time, I may have to smash the lamb with a hammer a few times until she develops the strength in her jaw a bit more, or it could be the actual bones that she had, as the last vertebrae is shaped slightly different as that is where it joins to the spine :s I'll have to be a bit more select when I pick them up from the butchers I think.

Hmm apart form that all is good, oh i invested in some evening  primrose tablets too for her. they have extra Vitamin E, which is apparently hard to get in the diet :s anyway it says give 1 tablet per 10kg of bodyweight, she weighs 15kg so I'm only giving her 1 tablet, I cant see there being any issues with that. I need to invest in some garlic tablets too at some point, but Dorwest have got a HUGE saving on these until Oct this year so I may stock up when i get the chance :)